Monday, August 10, 2009

Friday August 14 ~ 6 - 10pm "Sleepless at the Sahyun"

We had so much fun last month, we're doing it again!

No "Amazing Chase" this time (it is August, after all) but we will have Pizza, munchies, soft drinks, tea, and best of all....collegial fellow genealogical enthusiasts to offer a hint or two, and celebrate your breakthroughs with you!

Bring someone who is just beginning in their roots quest and we'll help them get started on those pedigree charts, family group sheets, or a tutorial on Internet genealogy.

Or for you experienced -- but stymied -- researchers bring a few GWs (or maybe a Benjamin!) and enter the raffle for a chance to win a dedicated one hour of Research Assistance with our own Janice G. Cloud, a renowned genealogist that we are so lucky to have in our midst.

Given our cramped space and the dearth of computers, we're limiting space this time. (Good thing we're expanding our library!) So, you'll need to RSVP to Diane Sylvester as spaces are limited:

Or call 967-1742.

See you this Friday for another "Sleepless at the Sahyun"!

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