Wednesday, March 14, 2012


1940 Census Indexing Project for Santa Barbara County

As soon as the images are ready for Santa Barbara County, members and others will be able to join our project the Society has adopted for indexing all 70,555 residents of Santa Barbara County.

But first, those who have not indexed before using the indexing program software are encouraged to download the indexing program at Getting Started Try indexing some other projects so you will become familiar with the process.  It is really quite easy.  One batch to index will consist of around 40 lines (one census sheet).  This can be done at your convenience at home any time of the day or night in your jammies. Indexing can be done at the Sahyun Library. You can index as many batches as you wishone or many, it all helps.

Our Society goal will be to finish before other counties and other societies.  We may have local Society contests for the fastest indexer or the indexer who indexes the most batches or names. 

Instruction for those who need it will be available the last week in March at the Sahyun Library.  Contact Dorothy Oksner, the administrator for the Society project, with your enthusiasm and support. 

NARA video of the importance of the 1940 census

A general overview of the 1940 census as the "permanent inventory of the nation," this film emphasizes the responsibility of all citizens to participate. It reviews the three main parts of the census, including the population, agriculture, and housing schedules, and delves into the background of the census and the reasons behind the questions. The duties of the enumerators are also reviewed, highlighting the three major principles of accuracy, complete coverage, and confidential answers.